diversity in clinical trials
Data-Driven Diversity: Using Granular Insights to Design More Inclusive Trials
The healthcare industry is sitting on a wealth of data gathered from electronic health records, commercial pharmacies, health systems and payers, and health tech companies. So much that it makes up one-third of the world’s data. Pharmaceutical companies need to tap into this type of data to build inclusive clinical trials,
MedCity Influencers, Physicians
Emerging Investigators Are Pivotal for Meeting Current, Future Drug Development Needs
We must engage, train and support more physicians as investigators to enable the opportunity for their patients to have access to clinical trials. As an industry, we should be adding anywhere from 10% to 20% new investigators every year to meet the patient access needs for clinical trials.
Payer’s Place: Dawn Maroney
Dawn Maroney, President, Markets of Alignment Health and CEO of Alignment Health Plan, to discuss how they are using technology to provide better service and care to consumers.
MedCity Influencers, Consumer / Employer
Where Are All the Patients?
We’ve always known that patients are out there — but EHR data are the map we need to find them, connect with them, and ultimately engage them in the development of new medicines, therapies, and products that will safely serve everyone in need, regardless of race or ethnicity.