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Joe Mandato and Ryan Van Wert MD

Joe Mandato has spent his career leading numerous high-growth organizations developing disruptive technologies used in clinical healthcare settings. He has often held overall responsibility for his teams’ strategic implementation of programs designed to enhance and improve the clinician-patient experience. Today, he invests in and serves on the boards of companies in the life sciences. He also writes about and teaches the business of healthcare.

Ryan Van Wert, MD has worked as an intensivist in critical care settings, where he gained deep understanding of the realities of the physician-patient interface. He has led medical device and IT companies, including his current role as co-founder and CEO of Vynca Health, which specializes in enabling improved advanced care directives among patients and providers. In these roles, Ryan has learned a lot about patient engagement and healthcare communication. He is also assistant director at the Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign.