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John Morrison

Dr. Morrison is currently UC Davis Distinguished Professor, Director of the California National Primate Research Center (CNPRC), and Professor of Neurology in the School of Medicine at UC Davis. Dr. Morrison’s research program focuses primarily on the neurobiology of aging and neurodegenerative disorders, particularly as they relate to cellular and synaptic organization of cerebral cortex. His laboratory is particularly interested in age-related alterations in structural and molecular attributes of the synapse that compromise synaptic health, lead to cognitive decline, and potentially leave the brain vulnerable to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Dr. Morrison is currently developing nonhuman primate models of AD. Dr. Morrison has served on Council for the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), as Editor-in-Chief of SfN’s public-facing website, BrainFacts.org, and is currently serving as Secretary of SfN. Dr. Morrison is a member of the National Academy of Medicine.