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Dr. Nishi Rawat

Nishi Rawat, MD, MBA, began her healthcare career in 2002 as an emergency medicine and critical care physician, treating a significant number of patients suffering from SUD. As a healthcare faculty member and researcher, she led quality measure development and implementation at Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality.

Using her previous years of frontline medical care experience and passion to improve care delivery, in 2015 Dr. Rawat founded and served as lead technologist for OpenBeds®, a company dedicated to improving access to mental health and SUD treatment. Following the company’s acquisition by Appriss Health (now Bamboo Health), a healthcare technology solutions company focused on fostering care collaboration and providing information and actionable insights across the entire continuum of care, Dr. Rawat continues to lead the OpenBeds® solution and behavioral health strategy as Chief Clinical Officer at Bamboo Health.