
Five most-read stories of the week

From Apple's acquisition of Gliimpse to the story behind Bristol-Myers Squibb's failed Opdivo immunotherapy drug, here were the most-read stories of the week.


Sometimes stories that seek to go deeper than what the immediate headlines and the most obvious angles offer are richly rewarded by audience attention. And most-read story of this week falls in that category where it pulls back the curtain from a failed cancer trial to reveal the hype that surrounds the novel cancer immunotherapy.

Other popular stories were an analysis of Apple’s recent purchase of a personal health record company and looking at diabetes in a new way.

What no one is telling you about BMS’ Opdivo immunotherapy trial failure

Apple said to acquire PHR vendor Gliimpse; should anyone care?

Watch out, EpiPen: A better auto-injector for severe allergies is in the works

Diabetes is actually three different diseases requiring different engagement, monitoring and management

Iodine completes first mental health integration of Apple CareKit-developed app


Image: Getty Images, Meriel Jane Waissman

