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Jennifer Bae and Ami Bhatt

Jennifer Bae, MHSA, is the Executive Director of Global Innovation at the American College of Cardiology. She oversees the ACC Innovation Program and global programmatic work and manages ACC’s venture fund focused on digitally transformed health care. She has served on the Board of startup companies, emphasizing the development of technologies focused on patient and clinician end users, prioritizing those that improve outcomes and access to care. Prior to joining the College, she worked for ten years in global health with a focus on pandemic preparedness, working across the US Government. She led direct public health capacity building and served on US delegations to multilateral meetings. She also has a background in health care consulting at the Advisory Board Company. Jennifer holds a Master of Health Services Administration and Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Michigan.

Ami B. Bhatt, MD, FACC, is the chief innovation officer (CIO) at the ACC and an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. She believes that state of the art, personalized care can be delivered to individuals in the community, empowering patients and creating stronger clinician-patient partnerships for sustainable health outcomes. Dr. Bhatt founded her first virtual care program in 2013 and works to create culturally relevant personalized care delivery models. Her research centers on identifying and implementing solutions to overcoming access barriers to cardiovascular and telemedicine care. A graduate from Harvard College and the Yale School of Medicine, she was the inaugural Director and Richard Liberthson Endowed Scholar in Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) at the Massachusetts General Hospital. She most recently served as the director of Outpatient and Telecardiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital