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Lisa Suennen

Lisa Suennen has spent 20 years as a healthcare venture capitalist, entrepreneur and Board member. Lisa most recently led GE Ventures healthcare fund and previously was a partner at Psilos Group, a healthcare-focused venture capital firm. Earlier, Lisa was on the executive team that built Merit Behavioral Care, an $800 million behavioral healthcare company. Lisa is co-founder if CSweetener.org, an organization that matches some healthcare leaders with mentors and helps conferences find women speakers. Lisa is also a board member and advisor to multiple healthcare entities and writes Venture Valkyrie, a widely read blog on healthcare and investing and other issues. She also hosts the Tech Tonics podcast, found on iTunes. Lisa holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from UC Berkeley, where she is now on faculty at the Haas School of Business. Business, where for 10 years she has taught classes on venture capital and the changing healthcare economy.