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Terry Lo

Terry Lo is President and CEO of Vizgen: the company setting the standard in spatial genomics by commercializing the MERSCOPE Platform, the industry’s first massively multiplexed, spatially resolved, single-cell genomics imaging tool. At Vizgen, Terry leverages two decades of leadership experience to scale growth of the company and drive the commercial development of MERSCOPE, which was launched in the U.S. in September 2021.

Previously, Terry pioneered the early commercial success of spatial biology, first as GM for PerkinElmer’s tissue business, and then as President of Akoya Biosciences. Prior, Terry led the global adoption of HPV testing for cervical cancer primary screening at Roche Molecular and tapped into international markets at positions at Hologic and BMS. He holds an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, an MS in Microbiology from Virginia Tech, and dual BS degrees in Molecular Genetics and Psychology from The Ohio State University.