Presented by Abarca

  • Sponsored Post

    A Personalized Approach to Medication Nonadherence

    At the Abarca Forward conference earlier this year, George Van Antwerp, managing director at Deloitte, discussed how social determinants of health and a personalized member experience can improve medication adherence and health outcomes.

    / Jul 25, 2023 at 7:30 AM
  • Sponsored Post, BioPharma, Payers

    What Do Payers Need to Help Value-Based Contracting Deals for Novel Therapies Succeed?

    A panel discussion at the annual Abarca Forward conference in Puerto Rico last month sought to identify some of the innovative financial approaches that can be applied to managing the high price of novel therapies. Conversations also addressed what payers need for these financing models to be sustainable.

    / Apr 14, 2023 at 7:30 AM