Events, Employee Benefits

Fertility benefit specialist shares insights on how to improve employee engagement in health

Employee benefits and the consumerization of healthcare are the themes for the INVEST Digital Health conference September 28 at Pegasus Park in Dallas. Be part of the conversation on how companies and employees are using health benefit tools to reduce healthcare costs. Register today!

Employers routinely adopt healthcare benefits programs using health tech tools for their companies, but how can they motivate employees to use them to better manage their healthcare needs? That’s one of many questions speakers will address at the INVEST Digital Health conference September 28 at Pegasus Park in Dallas.

Tammy Sun, CEO and co-founder of Carrot Fertility, is taking part in the panel discussion, Can tech tools help employers wrangle health costs lower?
In response to emailed questions, Sun said one way to improve employee engagement in health is understanding their healthcare journey.

“Find the most meaningful healthcare moments in your employees’ lives and start there. Use these moments as the on-ramp to greater engagement more broadly. Fertility healthcare, for example, is one of the most important areas of healthcare someone will consume in their lifetimes. Invest in programs that matter and meet people where they are.”

Sun also emphasized that vendors need to deliver clear communication strategies.

Asked how tech vendors can help employers achieve their goals, she answered this way:

“Put your customer at the center of your universe. Impressive tools and technology are only useful if they are of service to the people who are supposed to use them. At Carrot, the customer is always our central point of empathy. We put ourselves in their shoes, and that helps everything else become clearer.”

Other speakers on the panel include:

  • Christina Speck, Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Product, Blue Cross Blue Shield RI (moderator)
  • Dan Hartman, Executive Director, Morgan Health | J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
  • Emily Heineman, Director of Account Management, TytoCare
  • Morgan McHugh, VP, Customer Success, Accolade

To see the full agenda, follow this link.

The INVEST Digital Health conference will also address topics such as behavioral health, pharmacy benefit management, the financial journey in healthcare and the Metaverse in healthcare. The conference will culminate in the Pitch Perfect startup pitch contest spotlighting eight startups.

Photo: Natali_Mis, Getty Images
