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Nicolas Huet, Steve Young and Laura Trotta

After finishing a Ph.D. in atomic physics, Nicolas Huet pursued his career in the field of machine learning. He worked for several years in the data analytics team of a consulting company before joining CluePoints at the end of 2018 to integrate the research team. He's now leading the machine learning team in charge of developing new machine learning solutions.

Dr. Laura Trotta joined CluePointsC in 2015 and moved into her current role as Vice President of Research in January 2022, where she leads a team of research scientists responsible for developing new statistical and machine learning algorithms to assess the quality of clinical trial data. Laura holds a Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Liège, Belgium.

As CSO, Steve Young oversees the research and development of advanced methods for the CluePoints platform and provides RBQM methodology guidance to customers. Steve worked in clinical data management over 15 years and has since focused on leading the development of analytics and risk-based quality management (RBQM) solutions for eClinical Solution providers. Steve holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics from Villanova University.