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Jordan Glenn

Jordan Glenn, Ph.D., is the Chief Science Officer of Neurotrack Technologies. He has developed a diverse background in the digital health space where he has used his expertise in exercise, nutrition, aging and behavior change to focus on disease states such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and now Alzheimer’s and dementia. As Neurotrack’s Chief Science Officer, he leads the company’s scientific pipeline, while also informing the company's business development/ partnerships. He also holds an academic dual-appointment at the University of Arkansas and has been authored on over 80 scientific publications. He is also the primary investigator on the DC-MARVEL project, which is the first study ever to investigate the effects of fully remote, digital health coaching on Alzheimer’s disease risk.

In February 2023, Glenn delivered Neurotrack’s winning pitch in the Alzheimer’s Association Pitch Competition, aimed at identifying innovations to increase cognitive assessment and early detection and diagnosis of dementia within primary care settings.