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Luka Yancopoulos

Luka Yancopoulos is the dynamic CEO of Grapevine Technologies and a rising force in the healthcare industry. As a distinguished VIPER student at UPenn, Luka's impactful academic journey has equipped him with invaluable knowledge. With six years of research and professional experience under his belt, including groundbreaking nanopore bioanalytic research and collaboration with esteemed institutions like CHOP, Luka's passion for improving healthcare logistics became evident. Inspired by the challenges he witnessed firsthand, Luka fearlessly founded Pandemic Relief Supply (PRS) in April 2020, spearheading the delivery of over $20M in critical supplies, including generous donations to the AFYA Foundation. Now, with the founding of Grapevine in June 2021, Luka's unwavering commitment to revolutionizing the healthcare supply chain shines bright. Stay tuned as he leads Grapevine on a transformative journey to redefine the industry.