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Amy West

Amy West is the Head of US Digital Transformation and Innovation for Novo Nordisk, where she drives disruptive digital health and commercial innovation exploration and validation for the US enterprise. She leads a team of industry pioneers in exploring existing and emerging technologies and other areas of innovation to develop novel solutions for improved patient experience and outcomes. She also established the first US innovation incubator (Apis Labs) for Novo Nordisk, applying design thinking, scrum, agile, and lean methodologies to identify and test novel solutions. Amy holds an MBA from Marymount University and a Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Richmond.

  • MedCity Influencers

    The Journey to Personalized Healthcare

    The Walt Disney Company excels in designing exceptional service because they are hyper-focused on listening, tracking, designing, and measuring the experiences of guests visiting their properties. We can apply this approach in pharma by enhancing our patient journey maps and go beyond focusing on the key clinical engagement touch points (e.g., doctor visits, prescription pickups) and enriching our insights with the micro-moments surrounding these obvious events.

    / Aug 27, 2023 at 11:35 PM